Онлайн-платформа Oreon

это новый уникальный продукт для развития внешней торговли и многовекторного масштабируемого маркетинга в стране и за рубежом

История проекта

Многолетний опыт работы в сфере маркетинговых технологий и внешней торговли привели нас к системному подходу и формированию безопасных каналов торговли. 

Глобализация международной торговой системы и логистической инфраструктуры, развитие новых технологий и скачек в генеративном ИИ открыли колоссальные возможности в сфере автоматизации, оптимизации и масштабировании бизнес-процессов.

Хорошо понимая важность этих трендов и тенденций наша команда запустила проект

About Oreon

Oreon specializes in international consulting and foreign economic activities. Offering a comprehensive approach to foreign trade, marketing, and sales, we operate in foreign markets and create reliable procurement and sales channels for our clients.

Мы формируем надежные каналы внешней торговли

International Consulting: We help companies enter new markets and adapt to international standards.

Foreign Economic Activities: We organize and optimize foreign economic operations to enhance business efficiency.

Marketing and Sales: We develop and implement strategies for the successful promotion of goods and services in international markets.

Market Analysis and Research: We conduct in-depth analysis and research to identify promising opportunities and minimize risks.


Our mission is to provide high-quality consulting services in the field of international business and foreign economic activities, helping our clients successfully enter new markets, optimize their operations, and achieve their strategic goals. We strive to ensure that our clients can make the most efficient use of their resources and adapt to rapidly changing market conditions.


We envision Oreon as a professional in the international consulting market, known for its innovative approach and high level of professionalism. Our goal is to become a reliable partner for our clients, providing them with comprehensive solutions that contribute to the sustainable growth and development of their business on a global level.
Credit card mockups

Strategic Development Directions

Expansion of Geographical Presence and Opening of New Offices in Strategically Important Regions.
Deepening Expertise and Innovation. Investing in employee training and development to maintain a high level of professionalism.
Development of New Services and Products. Creating specialized products for various industries and market segments.
Strengthening Client Relationships. Regularly organizing events and seminars to share experiences and knowledge with clients.
Adaptation to Market Changes. Continuously monitoring market trends and adapting strategies according to changing conditions.

Key Advantages of the Project

Establishing effective and reliable sales and procurement channels in target countries
Automating the process of foreign trade, marketing, and sales abroad
Multi-vector and scalable solutions
Market segmentation and targeting specific audiences
Applying generative AI in CRM and online services

Услуги по продвижению вашей продукции за рубежом

Анализ продукта и маркетинговое исследование целевых рынков за рубежом

Разработка и внедрение стратегии масштабируемого маркетинга и активных продаж SMARStech

smarsCRM для реализации стратегии масштабируемого маркетинга и активных продаж

Прямые продажи через

Организация продаж через диллерскую сеть за рубежом

Services for Promoting Your Products Abroad

Direct Marketing
Internet Marketing
Content Marketing
Event Marketing
Affiliate Marketing

Online Service for Reliable Purchases Abroad

Market analysis to search for goods abroad

Verification of the manufacturing plant

Control during goods shipment

Delivery of goods under Incoterms conditions

Partnership Program "Your Reliable Supplier Abroad" is aimed at distribution companies, retail chains, and wholesale bases looking for reliable manufacturers and suppliers abroad

Partnership Program "Your Procurement Department Abroad" is aimed at factories and service enterprises looking for reliable manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, components, and raw materials abroadShareRewrite